Yeah I'm not so into that idea anymore you should stop reading now 👇❌

It expires at midnight so I'm almost in the clear

So technically there are a few membership spots left and you can still get 2 weeks of your social media done for you FOR FREE. AND technically the code FOREVER50 will still work to get you 50% off your social.easy membership FOR LIFE until midnight tonight!

Know why? Because it’s bad business!

Everyone else charges hundreds of 💲💲💲 a month for little more than a couple strategy calls. They rake it in for basically nothing!

I’m charging less than your water bill to do EVERYTHING for you! That’s just plain stupid 😫

See social.easy is the only one-stop-shop for making high-value real estate social media content and attracting your ideal clients. It has everything:

  • Fully written video scripts (4-5/week)

  • Captions templates with timing

  • Step-by-step instructions for each piece of content

  • High-value searchable description

  • Hashtags and SEO for searchability

  • How-to live training + support

  • Personal 1-on-1 accountability coaching

  • Full access to our exclusive content and training library

AND you’re getting all of it completely FREE for 2 weeks?? STUPID!

And what’s worse is that I left this freaking code open until midnight tonight, so a bunch of you have already basically stolen this program from me. SHAME on us both!

But fortunately there are still a few spots left so when you finally decide to take social media seriously in the 2024 market, you’ll have to pay full price and I won’t be getting had 👍

So please don’t get the 2-week trial, forget about using the code FOREVER50 to pay less than your water bill for completely a done-for-you social presence, and just pay full price. For my ego’s sake 🙏

See you next week when you beg for this deal and I say NO 😁

Actually if you really MUST know more and you book a call with me for next week to learn more, I'm morally obligated to honor the discount 🙄 So I’ll still give you half off FOREVER, but only if you book a call NOW!

Ok I’m done, have a great weekend 😀

Happy Creating,

John Birke | Content Coach

